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Maap's Monstrous Zoo

The 50 monsters challenge

The follow up to the 100 magic items challenge, but with some distinct differences. The first monster Carrottus is already up!


3 times a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

One a day got to be a bit of a struggle by the end. Also I feel monsters are going to take longer.


Inspired by Kim Diaz Holm's Daily Ink Monsters.

Rather than random words, each monster will be inspired by one of Kim Diaz Holm's Daily Ink Monsters. I'll be choosing each image from the 1000 available. Kim Holm is a fantastic artist, and all of his ink monsters are licensed CC-BY.


I'll be allowing myself to prep 3 monsters ahead.

This limit is designed to give me a buffer in case something comes up, but prevents me from planning too far ahead.
